
Posts Tagged ‘mother’

The bible is replete with imagery of God as our Father. Some of the sweetest of moments are those when my spirit, stirred with love for my Creator, cries out “Abba, Father”. Abba is an intimate Hebrew term for a father, more akin to Daddy or Poppa. But when God created mankind He was very intentional that both sexes were fully image-bearers of God. We see this in Genesis 1:27. ‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ‘

Genesis 1:27
https://www.bib While the imagery of God as a mother is less frequent, it is still there. David picks up a piece of this in Psalm 17 ‘Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.’ giving us a picture of a mother bird sheltering her chicks from danger with her wings. Jesus uses similar imagery – “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” Matthew 23:37 NIV

It’s not a stretch to realize that the best traits typically exemplified in either a father and a mother emanate from the character of God. This was impressed upon me recently as I did a photo shoot for our youngest daughter and newest granddaughter. At 10 months old, Lilah, our granddaughter, had not been out in nature before so when we headed to a local park she experienced many new sights and sounds. She was clingy at first not wanting to get out of Momma’s arms. I captured one particularly poignant scene as Momma introduced Lilah to what a tree is.

Lilah and Christin-8

“Lilah, this is a tree. It’s a plant – a living thing, but not like Duke, our dog, or Mommy or Daddy.”

Our daughter spoke gently, explaining to Lilah, what she was seeing. She wasn’t pushy. She wanted Lilah to learn something new without fear.

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“Look at that rough skin. On a tree it’s called bark. It’s okay to touch it.”

Lilah and Christin-10

“It’s rough, but if you touch it gently it won’t hurt.”

Lilah and Christin-11

“Here. I’ll help you.”

Lilah and Christin-12

“Ah, See, you tried something new. That was fun wasn’t it?!”

Lilah and Christin-13

Ever so gently Lilah examines the tree trunk.

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“Look Mimi, I’m touching the tree!”

Lilah and Christin-15

A little girl happy to be holding Mommy’s hand and experiencing something new.

I couldn’t help but make the connection between how tender and loving our daughter was with Lilah and how God lovingly leads us. He wants us to experience new and different. But He is not pushy. God has so much good in store for us, but much of that good is beyond the horizons of what we already know… beyond what currently feels safe.

  • Reaching out to people different than us…
  • serving in places we’ve never been…
  • loving without conditions…
  • giving kindness in the face of anger and hostility…
  • forgiving even when the wound still hurts and the grievance is legitimate…
  • facing fears that threaten to overwhelm us…

In each case God is with us as the gentle parent.

  • He encourages us to extend a hand… just like Jesus extended His hands for us.
  • He shows us how to serve… like Jesus when He washed the disciples’ feet.
  • He teaches us to love without limits… like Jesus does whenever we humbly return to Him after a fall.
  • He exemplifies poise, dignity, and equanimity… like Jesus when His accusers hurled lies and abuses at Him and He refused to fight for His rights.
  • He burdens us to forgive those who abuse us… like Jesus did when He whispered to His Father, “Forgive them” for His killers.
  • He tells us we need not fear… because He has overcome the world.

God is the perfect Father – the perfect parent. He knows us intimately and loves us completely. His desires for us are altogether good. And His ways with us are perfect. Put your hand in “Abba’s” hand today. Take time to just rest in your Father’s loving embrace. Listen to Him say, “You are my precious, precious child. I love you with an everlasting love. I will never leave you or forsake you, because you are mine.”

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