
Archive for the ‘Bible Study’ Category

Waiting is a part of life. We experience it early and we never stop having seasons of waiting.

Christmas always seemed to take forever to arrive. When it did, there was much to celebrate and enjoy. The birth of a child is the culmination of months of waiting. That next promotion… The trip you have been looking forward to… The medical procedure you need…

Waiting is a part of life and waiting is not easy. But it can be good.

Lisa and I have made reading the Bible through in a year a part of our life rhythm. There are important seasons of waiting throughout the Bible that demonstrate the value in waiting. As I await the next steps in our medical treatment, I take solace in knowing that the LORD who created me and is with me in the waiting. I woke at 3:35am this morning and this theme of waiting has swirled around in my spirit as I prayed and pondered.

A rundown of just some of the seasons of waiting that came to mind:

Seasons of Waiting in the Bible

Abraham and Sarah waited for decades for the fulfillment of the promise that they would have a child. Joseph waited years in prison (on false charges) before God elevated him to Prime Minister of Egypt. Moses waited in the desert for 40 years before God called him from the burning bush. The Hebrew people wandered and waited in the wilderness for 40 years before the time arrived to enter the promised land. Jesus waited about 30 years before His time of ministry and revealing arrived. Even then the timing of God’s plan progressed in times of waiting beginning with 40 days of waiting in the wilderness fasting and praying.

The climactic moment of Jesus’ earthly life, His crucifixion included waiting… in the garden sweating blood in prayer… in mock trials with false accusations… in the praetorium as people cried out for His death… and on the cross until the full measure our sin was atoned for.

As I await a surgery currently scheduled for 2 months from now, hoping it will be moved forward, I get this nudge from Holy Spirit that He is here with me in the waiting. With that came the name Yahweh Shamma… The LORD who is present!

Immediately Isaiah 40:31 comes to mind (I chose the amplified version this morning)

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]

Will gain new strength and renew their power;

They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun];

They will run and not become weary,

They will walk and not grow tired.

Isaiah 40:31 Amplified Bible

I am lifted up knowing that there is purpose in my waiting. With a new sense of this time being ordained by God and precious I begin praying.

Confirmation of Purpose in My Waiting

Let me close by sharing a gift the LORD gave me yesterday that is really the point of this post. I woke early yesterday too. (Full transparency, waking at 3:30 am is not hard when you’re in California, but your body clock is still in SC!) I slipped into prayer yesterday as I thought of all my friends who commented on my Facebook post. My heart was warmed and I prayed for individual’s as they came to mind. It was a joy-filled time that started my day well.

As I headed out the hotel door, a friend and brother in Christ called me. I hadn’t seen him in a few years, but he called to encourage me. I had forgotten about praying for him as he went through a cancer battle, but he told me he felt led by the Lord to tell me about what I understood as the turning point for him. It was the low point in his battle. He was rail thin at 125 lbs, he couldn’t stand the sight, smell, or even the thought of food. His wife couldn’t cook or even eat around him because he got so nauseous.

He was seated in his chair in misery and the Holy Spirit asked him a question, “Who’s praying for you?” He replied, “I don’t know LORD, who?” and then all these people that he knew came to mind, churches where he had helped out, foreign countries where he had done mission work. Then the Holy Spirit asked, “What are you to do?” Again he replied, “I don’t know LORD, what?” The reply, “Pray for those praying for you!” I was blown away that the LORD had him call me to confirm that how I was being led was exactly what I was supposed to be doing.

God is the ultimate multi-tasker. I know He is doing things in me and in my family through this journey that are for our ultimate good and His glory. I harbor no illusions that this will be a cake-walk, but I know He has a plan and a purpose. Today, that includes a bit of waiting. But as I wait upon the LORD, I will pray with you and I will pray for you. And one day we will see that God had a purpose in all this and we will see that it was good and very good.

I suspect some of you are waiting too. Lean into the LORD and don’t be shy to ask, “Lord, please help me see my purpose in the waiting.” Then trust Him. He is there and He is not silent. It may be a clear word like my friend received. It might be a nudge in your Spirit like I had yesterday and today. It could be a person who comes to mind that you need to call. The key is to ask, trust, and obey. It is as simple as that.

Be blessed today my friends and don’t forget to be a blessing!

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I wonder how many people in Jerusalem realized how special the approaching high Sabbath would be 2000 years ago?  The pivot point of all human history was days away and I suspect no one aside from Jesus really grasped the import of the times.

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea come to mind as two persons that may have had an inkling, but I am certain they didn’t quite comprehend the plan God had in mind.  The hustle and bustle of the ceremonial season would have been a bit of a distraction to them or to any religious leader trying to discern the course of the itinerant preacher named Jesus.

The political intrigue of the religious leaders and the secular authorities would have kept the insiders guessing.  The young and zealous desiring freedom from Rome were a constant threat for bringing down the heavy heel of the Roman legions.  The Roman and Jewish leaders sought to walk a fine line between some autonomy for the people to continue their religious practices and the rule of Rome.  People were pawns to them and the game they played would have kept them clueless to the miracle of miracles that was drawing nigh.

It would seem the most likely to have some insight into what was about to unfold would have been the common folk who traveled with Jesus.  Jesus had told them on a number of occasions that He had to go to Jerusalem to die.  But they too were not able to put the pieces together in this week of preparation.  Some perceived Him to be the Messiah sent from God, but dying???

Even today, we risk overlooking the importance of what God is doing… here, now.  We have the benefit of 2000 years of history pointing to the validity of God’s marvelous plan.  We have written records that clearly demonstrate God moving, saving, recreating, releasing, and empowering the Church… common folk and noble alike.  All who turn to Him can be saved and given new life.  Jesus is alive and at work RIGHT NOW.

But we so easily miss the best because of all the rest.  Political intrigue… yep it’s still here and many are distracted by it.  Religious ceremony… check, we will have our “bells and smells” and Easter egg hunts, our new Easter clothes and church’s filled with CEOs.  (CEO = Christmas and Easter Only).   Sadly, even Jesus-followers sometimes struggle with perceiving how special this time is because of work or vacation (can anyone say “spring break”), or the pressures of life… each of which demand our attention.

Do you sense the importance of what Jesus did this week 2000 years ago?  Do you sense the importance of what He is doing right now?  It is not my intent to beat you up from afar, but I do want you to consider what Jesus did and He is doing.  I encourage you to set aside time to just meet with Jesus this Holy Week and ask Him to help you see it with new eyes.  We are easily distracted, but this most special time is worth the effort to anticipate and experience with wonder.  God gave us the most precious gift in His Son, Jesus.  Jesus offers us salvation (and so much more) through the gift of His life.  He took our sin and exchanged it for His righteousness on the cross.  In this final week before He submitted Himself to the most excruciating of deaths, Jesus poured out such amazing wisdom.  Check out the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ last week.  Matthew 21 and following, Mark 11 and following, Luke 19:28 and following, and John 12:12 and following.

I have found that my blessing in Easter grows immeasurably when I allow Jesus to help me in Holy Week to see how special it really is.  My prayer is that you too will experience Jesus in a new a fresh way this Holy Week and into Easter.

Blessings upon you today my friend.

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The most difficult care conversations are those where people have lost hope.  Hope is an anchor.  Hope keeps us from being lost when the storms of life break over us and threaten to destroy us.  Persons who lose hope are vulnerable to multiple temptations that will only make bad situations worse.  The downward spiral that is hopelessness is difficult to break once the path is set.  This is when the life-giving words of Jesus are so important to hold on to.  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV.

Yesterday we prayed with a man whose family has experienced two suicides within the course of a month.  This is the ultimate losing hope.  Two of my friends then shared nuggets of gold which I want to share with you today.  First Doug, a teacher for many years, mentioned an experiment that he has read about.  Laboratory mice were subjected to a stress test that measured the impact of hope.  The mice were placed in a tank filled with enough water that the mice were forced to swim.  For one group of mice the tank was then covered with a box that completely sealed off the light.  The average lifespan of the mice in the dark box was 3 minutes before they drowned.  The second group of mice were treated the same except for a small hole in the box which allowed a small amount of light to enter the box.  The average lifespan of these mice was 36 hours.  Such is the power of hope.

As Doug finished, Greg asked if we had a good definition of hope.  I think I said it was a belief that things would be better in the future.  Greg said hope is H.O.P.E – Holding On to Promises Eternal.  My definition could be true, but it could just as easily be the definition for wishful thinking.  In reality, that’s what a lot of people accept as hope.  But Greg’s definition is tied to something solid… something that has stood the test of time and proven true.

So, I want to share with you some of the Promises Eternal that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt to be true.

“I will never leave you or forsake you.”  God speaks this to several people in the bible.  He spoke it to me in Sept of 1983 in a small chapel at Camp Hartner in the piney woods of central Louisiana.  This is the first and foundational promise of my faith journey.  I pitched my anchor trusting it would hold fast in this promise.  It has for over 34 years.  I am certain it will hold into eternity.

“I know the plans I have for you.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and future.”  Jeremiah 29:11.  The Lord kept this verse in my thoughts the entire week when I was told my job was eliminated in 2007.

‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ‘  Isaiah 41:10.  The Lord clearly gave me this verse as I was about to go to work one morning fully expecting to hear that my team was being downsized.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. ‘  Matthew 6:33.  In this simple admonition, Jesus gave the recipe for prioritizing life which ensures my needs are met.  While there have been a few times that my wants went unsatisfied, I’ve never missed anything of significant value.  One of the things I’ve learned about “wants” is they usually have a great big “I” in the middle of them and they don’t advance God’s purposes in my life or the life of those around me.  Yet with a few unfulfilled wants, there have been numerous times when God’s blessings have absolutely overflowed into my life and the lives of those I know and love.

‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”‘  Matthew 11:28-30.  I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve “limped home” to hear the Father whisper the words “Rest in Me.”  He has always carried the bulk of the load.  At times I’ve attempted to shoulder more than I was supposed to and forge on in my strength.  Yet in His gracious mercy, He has always been right there to step in as soon as I realize my error and lean into Him.

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.’  Proverbs 3:5-6.  Again there have been times when I’ve gotten focused upon my plan, my work, my way that I’ve lost track of God’s call and purpose.  But He is faithful to His promise here and when I turn to Him fully committing my heart and ways to Him, He has always, ALWAYS been there to guide and direct me.

‘Delight yourself also in the Lord , And He shall give you the desires of your heart.’ Psalms 37:4.  I’ve learned that deepening my relationship with the Lord – delighting in Him, has been the greatest blessing of life.  At times I can clearly see how martyrs and the persecuted saints through the ages have been able to worship God even in the face of intense personal pain and suffering.  He gives eyes to see things unseen.  He causes our hearts to know of things eternal.  He changes our heart so that His desires become our desires.  He accomplishes those things that will bring about His glory and our joy.

I meant to keep this to a short post, but I have failed again.  Please forgive me.  While I am just getting warmed up, I know it is time to sign off for today.  Before I do, I would be remiss not to emphasize, these are your promises too.  God loves with an overwhelming love.  He has written His love story for you as well as for me.  Every promise of God is true and you can rely on them.  Wherever you are in life, you can pitch your anchor into God’s Promises Eternal and that anchor will hold.  Jesus gave His life for you and He gives His promises to you.  That my friend is HOPE.  That my friend is for you.

Blessings to you today.

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As I sit here sipping my morning coffee, reading this morning’s devotion, and asking the Lord for wisdom, a mental picture appeared.  This passage is from Proverbs 3:11-20 in the New Living Translation.

“My child, don’t reject the lord ’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you long life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly. By wisdom the lord founded the earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky.”

As I started praying I had my arms crossed, but somehow that didn’t feel right.  I relaxed, opened my arms, and held out my hands palms up.  As I did so I felt my spirit open up and I looked heavenward – expectant and ready.  I prayed, “Lord fill me with your wisdom.” and the image of my coffee cup came to mind and the thought that a covered cup cannot receive what is poured into it.

Wow, that stung a little.  How often do I let distractions, frustrations, and general busyness interfere with wisdom the Father wants to pour into me.  More often than I would care to admit.  There have been blessed times of God’s breaking through, but as I ponder this word I realize that I must be intentional to slow down, relax, and listen to what the Father wants to say, wants to show me, wants to pour into me.  I need to take the lid off and let Him pour.

Like a perfect cup of coffee wisdom feels good… smells good… tastes good.  Those who walk in wisdom from on high are a sweet, sweet savor in a world that has lost an appreciation for true wisdom.  It is the Father’s desire that His children walk in His wisdom.  That wisdom will stand out in a way that draws people to Him.  It is wisdom that embraces Jesus and cannot help but speak of His goodness and love.  It is wisdom that orders our lives in a different way – forsaking self and putting others first.  It is a wisdom that looks toward final outcomes and fulfillment of faith rather than how can I promote myself, meet my own desires, make myself happy.

God’s wisdom – the cross and all that Jesus has done and has promised to do, is described as foolishness to men, but it is the power of God unto Salvation for all who believe.  Thank you Lord for your wisdom.

I pray this day that you are able to take the lid off and let God pour into you His wisdom, power and love.  These are freely offered to any who would seek Him, who would chose Him and His way.  Take the lid off and receive.

Blessings to you today my friend.  And as you receive His blessings allow Him to pour His wisdom, power, and love through you unto others.

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Source: Bible In One Year 2017

I love finding writings that eloquently echo truths I’ve learned and then tie it to Scriptures in a concise manner.  I am finding that to be true of the Bible in One Year Devotion I started earlier this year.  I’ve missed a few days so I may not finish in exactly one year, but when at a feast why rush through the wonderful food!  I am willing to take time to savor it.  Besides I am also using the devotion “Jesus Always” by Sarah Young in the mornings with my wife.  Both are excellent.

There is a point that I want to reiterate from today’s reading.

We are on a journey and God alone knows the perfect path through life.  Seeking Him at the outset of each day and traveling the route side by side with the LORD is the absolute best way to go.  Then, even when we encounter difficulties (and we will encounter difficulties) we can do so with confidence knowing the Father is walking us through the challenge and into something better on the other side.  Jesus taught it, the Psalms proclaim it, and the Old Testament describes it in a multitude of stories.  I want to travel with the Lord, day by day and step by step.  Won’t you join us on the journey?

Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone along your path today.

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Bible In One Year 2017

Walking with God… Communion with the lover of our souls… Healthy exercise for body and spirit.  I have slacked of late on my exercise and, to a degree, my spiritual discipline.  I am rectifying that now.  Choosing to read the entire bible in one year is one element of that.  Prayer walking (and occasionally jogging) will be another element.

The author of the devotional that accompanies this bible reading plan talks about his practice of walking and talking with God every morning.  This is a most helpful habit that I have used at times in the past and I can heartily recommend it.  It is a true spiritual exercise that strengthens body, soul, and spirit.  Join me if you can.  Let us grow stronger in our faith in 2017 and allow the Lord to teach, train and encourage us for the work ahead.

Peace my friends.

Source: Bible In One Year 2017

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Start your day with the Bible in One Year, a Bible reading app with commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Nicky Gumbel is the Vicar of HTB in London and pioneer of Alpha. ‘My favourite way to start the day.’ – Bear Grylls, Adventurer

Source: Bible In One Year 2017

Hi Friends,

I intend on reading through the bible this year and I am going to use this devotional from You Version to help me stay on track.  I’d love for you to join me.  I am getting a little head start because I know there will be times I miss a day.  This will give me a little cushion for those days.

Be blessed today and be a blessing.



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